The source of this website.

Project details

This project is a personal blog created to share knowledge, experiences, and thoughts about web development, technology, and other interesting topics. The blog is built using the Next.js framework and provides a convenient and fast way to create and manage content.


  • Next.js: The main framework for creating the blog.
  • React: A library for building user interfaces.
  • Markdown: For writing and formatting posts.
  • Velite: For handling markdown posts.
  • Tailwind CSS: For styling components.
  • GitHub: For managing the source code.
  • Vercel: For deployment and hosting.


  • Markdown Posts: Posts are added using Markdown and managed with the Vercel library.
  • Dark Mode: Ability to switch between light and dark themes for comfortable reading.
  • SEO Optimization: Next.js provides built-in tools to improve SEO.

Planned Updates

  • Comments: Adding the ability to leave comments on posts.
  • Subscription to Updates: Implementing a feature to subscribe to new posts.
  • Unit Tests: Adding unit tests to ensure code quality and reliability.
  • View Count: Displaying the number of views for each post.


This blog is a living project that is constantly evolving and updating. I hope it will be useful and interesting to you. Thank you for reading and I invite you to leave your comments and suggestions!

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3min read

My First Post

Welcome to my blog! In this introductory post, I share why I started this blog, my background in coding, and what you can expect in future posts.